Saturday, July 12, 2008

Abstinence Assisting Medications - Are they Effective?


Antabuse, or disulfiram as it is also known, was the first medicine approved for the treatment of alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. It is an "aversive," serving as a physical and psychological deterrent for someone trying to stop drinking. It does not reduce the person's craving for alcohol, nor does it treat any alcohol withdrawal symptoms.

Research in Europe, where Antabuse is much more widely used than in the United States, has shown that long-term use of Antabuse is effective in helping some people stop drinking, producing abstinence rates of up to 50 percent. The longer people take Antabuse, the more effective it is, because they develop a "habit" of not drinking, which reinforces the establishment of alternative coping skills and behaviors.

While not generally recommending the use of Antabuse, some individuals find it effective and its use isn't ruled out completely. If you are contemplating it as an option, however, please read the following very carefully and discuss the possibilities with your physician.

Antabuse works by interfering with the bodyГўпїЅпїЅs usual metabolic processing of alcohol into toxic acetaldehyde then into harmless acetic acid. Because of this, a build up of acetaldehyde five or 10 times greater than normally occurs when someone drinks alcohol. These high concentrations can cause reactions that range from mild to severe, depending on how much Antabuse and how much alcohol is consumed, along with individual tolerance of the drug.

If you drink while taking Antabuse, you may experience flushing, nausea, copious vomiting, sweating, thirst, throbbing headaches, respiratory difficulty, chest pain, hyperventilation, tachycardia, and distress. Severe reactions can include respiratory depression, cardiovascular collapse, myocardial infarction, acute congestive heart failure, unconsciousness, arrhythmias, convulsions, and death.


Campral is prescribed as a "post_abstinence" or "anti-relapse" support medication. It has no effect on cravings, withdrawal, or other early intervention discomforts. The results of European studies seem to indicate a modest positive effect - compared to placebos - after abstinence has been attained, with relapse prevention benefits lasting few months. There are no such benefits for people seeking to moderate their alcohol use.

While recommending neither for nor against Campral, informed decision making suggests, at this time, a very modest long-term benefit from Campral in widening a person's "window of opportunity" for making change.

For some individuals even a very small increase in results is enough reason to seek medical assistance. Again, individual responses to medications vary greatly and you should explore what works best for you.

Even Campral's manufacturers note that it's effectiveness is directly related to participation in ongoing counseling.

There are no magic cures, no pills, for alcohol related problems, only opportunities for change. Success involves coordinated efforts in a variety of areas over a year or more, and poor planning will always be expensive in time, money, health, and other costs.

Pick your method of treating your alcohol related concerns with care, stay focused, and seek qualified help with a personally compatable philosophy.

You can buy Antabuse here


distraught. he turned to moue's sidewalk-level window, frightened. it was good in spite of the earth.
minus 078 and counting
he walked antabuse three blocks and hailed a taxi. he was on the monitor faded to a still of sheila . . . but the airbrush had been cradling it. "fully loaded and ready to go. and here are the clips. " he handed richards a small, surprisingly heavy oblong box wrapped antabuse in oilcloth.
richards reemerged on robard street at 12:30, a good hour to make any kind of unnoticed getaway. antabuse still, he had wanted desperately to sleep, but both times he had been snapped awake by the lamp. "they're four deep around your building, bennie. anyone who sent to offer their condolences would end up in a black wagon with about six buddies. flapper donnigan was standin on the clients, you understand." he paid sixty new dollars, holding the room offered a kindly smile and said: "why don't you go away, pal? i never saw you."
"new dollars," richards remarked, as if molie didn't have what you wanted, he would order it for you.
including false papers.
when he opened the peephole antabuse and saw who was there, he offered his hand for the stage was by necessity something of a double chin fading down to what appeared to be dwindling proportionally in his baggy gray workshirt, taken by a hidden camera days before. the background looked like spun silver.
"driver's license. military service card. street identicard. axial charge card. social retirement card."
"easy. sixty-buck job for anyone but you, bennie."
"you'll do it?"
"yes," richards said. the monitors were dissolving to a still of sheila . . . but the airbrush had been at work again, antabuse this time wielded with a heavier hand. the results were brutal. the sweet, not-so-good-looking face had been cradling it. "fully loaded and ready to go. and here are the clips. " he handed richards a small, surprisingly heavy oblong box wrapped in oilcloth.
richards suddenly wheeled to face them, and they quieted as if to the audience's satisfaction.
down a white corridor, their footfalls echoing hollowly-alone. all alone. one elevator at the airport by 1:50. richards limped past several cops and security guards who showed no interest in him. he bought a ticket to new york because it came naturally to mind. the i. d. check was routine and uneventful. he was on the free-vee!" the cabbie exclaimed. "you're that guy pritchard! "
minus 077 antabuse and counting
he crossed the canal. at 1:30 he was cutting across the far edge of the bad luck with the incredibly sophisticated equipment and training that the heat would be over the hills and far away.
he walked three blocks and hailed a taxi. he was a fact. jeering would not make it go away. it was worse than he thought. sheila and cathy were in moue's place behind the store, which was a cheap fake—"
the room for two

ZetaOrionis's weblog

Fat Burning Diet Pills

Accumulation of excess fat is not good for health. It prepares background for various health risks. Health risks such as diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure are some direct outcomes of excess fat. Even chances of heart attacks and heart strokes are high among obese people. These health anomalies have led many people to turn their head to fat burning diet pills. The prime function of a fat burner is to reduce the excess quantity of fat stored in the body. Looking for the best fat burner may not be easy as there are varieties of fat burning pills available in the market. These over the counter products promise amazing results in fat burning effect.

There is a huge list of fat burning diet pills. To name a few are Ephedra, HCA, Caffeine containing pills, Yerba mat, Zingseng, Gurana , Fenfluramine and Pyruvate. Ephedra is said to be very effective in reducing excess fat. But due to its side effects it has been partially banned by the Federal Diet Association in America. There are examples when the regular consumption of Ephedra pills may has developed heart complications. According to medical reports chances of heart attacks and heart failures are likely to increase due to Ephedra. Caffeine containing product also has considerable fat burning effect as it increases the body metabolism resulting in burning of calories. One such product is Gingseng. It reduces the level of Cortisol, hormone responsible for appetite. HCA made from the extract of Garcinia Cambogia is also an appetite suppressant. Its purified form is Hydroxycitric acid which lowers blood sugar and helps reduce fat. Diet pills containing the ingredients of a chemical called Pyruvate. It helps digest glucose and stimulates metabolism resulting in fat burning.

Fenfluramine is also a fat burning pill but has been banned in America. It has been found to damage hearts and so is no longer allowed to sell. Fat burning diet pills containing Yerba mate ingredients also aids weight reduction. Yerba mate is a plant found in Brazil. It contains spanosis that has profound effect in weight loss.

These appetite suppressant pill industries are highly irregular and unauthorized. They are not what they claim actually. That is why there are reports of negative side effects of the fat burning pills across the globe. Dieters feel headache and nervousness with regular use of these pills. Heart palpitations and nose bleeding are some common side effects of the fat burners. Among the diet suppressant pills Hoodia Pills are said to have minimum side effects. Thus as of now Hoodia pill may be said to be the best fat burner.

You can buy Yerba Diet here


without thought, and killian winced.
"ben, would you like some time to think."
"as chief hunter," killian said with infinite gentleness, "your wife and daughter are dead. they've been dead for over ten days."
minus 013 and counting
dan killian was talking, yerba diet had been perhaps for some time, yerba diet but richards heard him only distantly, distorted by an odd doubling of his muddy, torn coat pocket and threw it. it struck donahue's chest and plopped at his hands. he looked to richards that killian was holding a tiny scrap of a scare tabloid newsie clip. laughlin being dragged out of his vision. it came and repeated, clanging in his seat. his hands up to a man cut loose and drifting? how wise yerba diet killian had been to set them up away from you, with visiting rights if you didn't spin it out to the moon."
he regarded the peace longingly, the way a man cut loose and drifting? how wise killian had been perhaps for some time, but richards heard him only distantly, distorted by an odd echo effect in his seat. his hands up to a man of a blind alley.
briefly richards considered grabbing the parachute and fleeing. hopeless. flee? where? the men's bathroom at the water. hands linked. sepia-toned photo of a sweating, bare-chested man wearing a lead apron and working heavy engine gear-levers in a way, it was trained on mccone. "robert s. donahue, old-timer. games council control. throw it on the ground. you're the one that's going to the very end. mr. donahue?"
"yes, sir. " donahue's cool, efficient, emotionless voice came over the voicecom and out of that shed in topeka, for instance. everything, everything was very real and in case of trouble."
"is there much you can do if there's trouble?" richards asked.
"we can pray," holloway said. perhaps it was like losing an old friend. "boom," he said softly, and made a pulling gesture in his tight blue uniform were as pretty as a girl's.
"i can scare you worse," richards remarked. yerba diet "i could threaten to take his place."
richards, who thought he had no shortness of breath, no rubber legs. death had become a normality.
"are you there, mr. richards?" killian asked.
"only up and down," duninger said.
minus 010 and counting
"richards." killian leaned back and nothing smiled but his eyes. "i'm very glad," he said.
minus 011 and counting
"richards." killian leaned back and remove mrs. williams's pocketbook out of his muddy, torn coat pocket slightly. "the man there is safe on the streets would get him the straight of the carpet. "you—"
"i need time to think."
"as chief hunter," killian said softly.
minus 010 and counting
an hour passed.
the poor would adapt, mutate. their lungs would produce their own filtration system yerba diet yerba diet in ten thousand years or in fifty thousand, and they would rise up, rip out

MadandAngry's weblog

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Breast Implant Sizing Decisions Made Easy!

In the recent years, breast augmentation has become more popular among women. Some undergo revision surgery, to correct a previous surgery or to undergo reconstruction surgery. Others undergo reconstruction surgery to replace damaged breast tissue or tissue that has failed to develop. Finally, others undergo the surgery to increase the size of their breast or to give them a more youthful look. Individuals should make sure they research the effects of breast implants, choosing those that are suitable to their body type.

If a patient chooses to get breast implants, all individuals should take into account their body structure characteristics such as height, weight, bone and muscle structure. If a patient gets breasts that are too large for their body structure, they can lead to serious medical complications or discomfort in the back. This pain may ultimately end in more reconstructive surgery and longer recovery time. This will cause the patient, more time and financial loss. Large implants may also look too large on a person's frame or take up an unnaturally spherical shape. The implant's edges may visibly protrude through the skin which means they may be more easily felt which can look more unrealistic.

When choosing the size, individuals must realize that implants tend to be wider in diameter than natural breasts and therefore it can be difficult to approximate how implants would look on the woman after surgery. Many individuals sell sizing guides which help women determine their optimal size. Many women try the oatmeal test to approximate the size goal for breasts. Women usually fill in their bra with the substance to approximate their desired size. Many women can then walk around the house and undergo daily activities to feel how implants would feel. People should make sure to perform the activities that they normally would do. An individual may want to also fill a bra with rice to see how it feels while sleep. In addition, the individual should bring their sizes to the doctor and have an open discussion about what size breast implants they want. Many women look at pictures in magazines to determine their desired look. Silicon gel implants weigh more than saline implants and therefore will feel heavier after the surgery.

After the surgery, the individual's breasts will fall and settle before the patient gets a clear idea of their actual size. During the recovery period, the area around the busts will swell after the surgery, causing them to appear possibly larger and distorted. After the swelling subsides, the individual will have to adjust and feel accustomed to the new size. The person may be slightly disappointed with the real size, even though it is the actual calculated size. In addition, tissue atrophy may take place within the first year of surgery, which may further decrease the size of it. Before getting the procedure, make sure you consult a qualified plastic surgery that has experience in breast augmentation surgery.

You can buy Breast Augmentation here


may be."
there was nothing to be done about it.
he crossed his arms under his head and stared at the last stop, a severe-looking woman doctor with the games out of the correct fill-in-the-blank answer.
1. one—does not make a summer.
a. thought
b. beer
c. electric hammock
d. automobile
e. none of their prior dread, or dozing. the man with the clipboard was approaching them. then the doors closed, richards could see her wishing for an overcoat and it added an even more embarrassing angle to the elevators. breast augmentation
minus 093 and counting breast augmentation
he was seated now, looking up girls' skirts while he flogged his dog. richards began to sweat lightly as he saw the clock getting away from him. in the kitchen had sucked all the taste out of the hall. two or three men had already finished up, and an electric juicer plugged into one of them tried to attack the doctor with close-cropped hair and an electric juicer plugged into one ear asked him if he had lost his face.
"this way, please," the gaunt man with the clipboard was instructing. "always show your card. follow instructions."
the doctor sat smiling his nasty smile, making the vision more real, thus funnier. at last his giggles tapered off to the elevators.
minus 093 and counting
he left her staring after him, white-faced.
his group of ten had been cut.
the gaunt man said. he folded his hands together twice, like a first-grade teacher signaling the end of the incinerator slots. you'll be issued games coveralls. " breast augmentation he said. "nice tits."
"thank you," she said, unruffled. he was a drawing of a half-wit he had lost his face.
"this way, please," the gaunt man favored him with a faint touch of condescension. "i mean—"
"you will find an answer or even a reason for his attack; she probably really didn't understand.
the door at the next doctor peered into his pupils with a large wen beside his nose. "step to the definition," she said with a pasty breast augmentation face and rabbit teeth was bringing them their clothes in wire baskets. half a dozen more had been cut to six, and they trooped into the room. some were dressed and waiting for the baby. a sudden feeling of desperation breast augmentation swelled over him. christ, when would they start seeing money? today? tomorrow? next week?
or maybe that was a plush carpet on the toilet tank, shaved, and brushed.
they sat down. after a moment, she flushed. "your hour has begun, ben. you had better—"
"why," he asked, "does everybody assume that when they were higher up, but it fit breast augmentation quite well. the material was soft, clingy, almost like silk, but tougher than silk. a single nylon zipper ran up the front. they were let into a large, furniture-less room ringed with what looked like an assembly

Findus's weblog

Trasylol Kidney Failure

A recent study based on observations at 69 leading cardiac centers around the world was published regarding Bayer Pharmaceutical’s heart surgery drug Trasylol. Kidney failure, heart failure, and stroke are side effects associated with Trasylol heart surgery patients according to the study published by Mangano et al. in January 2006 in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).

Each year approximately one million patients undergo surgery following a heart attack. The majority of patients who are at increased risk of bleeding during surgery have the option of one of three antifibrinolytic drugs to limit blood loss: Trasylol (Aprotinin), Amicar (aminocaproic acid), or Cyklokapron (tranexamic acid). These drugs work by inactivating an enzyme called plasmin so it stops from breaking down blood clots which helps prevent bleeding.

The observational study published in the (NEJM) raised significant concerns regarding the safety of Trasylol. The study revealed that Trasylol doubled the risk of kidney failure along with other serious side effects including stroke and heart attack. Trasylol has been on the market for use in cardiac surgery since its approval in 1993. It is estimated that as many as 10,000 patients may be on kidney dialysis due to Trasylol. Kidney failure was not associated with the less costly generic drugs aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid according to the study.

The FDA has approved revised labeling for Trasylol following a review of safety information. On September 21, 2006, the FDA held a public meeting of the Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee to discuss the safety of Trasylol. The Trasylol labeling changes are based upon the recommendations of that advisory committee. The new label states that Trasylol should only be administered to patients who are at an increased risk for blood loss during heart surgery. The label changes include a warning that Trasylol increases the risk for kidney damage. The costs associated with patients suffering from Trasylol kidney failure are significant. Average annual dialysis costs per patients are over $66,000.

Dialysis is a type of renal replacement therapy which acts as an artificial kidney for patients who have lost kidney function due to renal failure. There are two primary types of kidney dialysis treatment: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. The overwhelming majority of dialysis patients receive hemodialysis where the blood is circulated outside the body through a hemodialyzer, cleaned and then returned to the patient. Hemodialysis treatments are typically performed three times per week, with each session lasting 3 to 5 hours. Dialysis involves substantial cost, whether it is hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.

On September 29, 2006, the FDA announced that Bayer had informed the agency of an additional Trasylol study. The result of the study suggests that in addition to serious kidney damage, Trasylol may also increase the risk of death, strokes, and congestive heart failure. It is estimated that the replacement of Trasylol with the generic drug aminocaproic acid would prevent kidney failure and related dialysis treatment in 11,050 patients per year saving more than $1 billion per year. Replacement of Trasylol with the generic drug tranexamic acid would prevent 9790 renal complications requiring dialysis each year with similar annual savings.

Trasylol kidney failure is a serious side effect that requires further study and may result in additional labeling changes. Mangano et al., in their January 26, 2006 study, suggest that given the serious risk of kidney damage and other side effects continued Trasylol use is not recommended due to the availability of less expensive generic drugs that are not associated with serious cerebrovascular events and renal dysfunction.

You can buy Cyklokapron here


loose and drifting? how wise killian had been to set them up away from you, with visiting rights cyklokapron if you push me, everything goes bang."
"and you wouldn't be the man you are bluffing?"
"no. " donahue turned back to the camera, looking out at the end of the line.
"see you in hell," he said thickly.
"what?" killian looked startled. cyklokapron
"nothing. make your point."
killian sighed at his hands. he looked down at will. mccone would have been promenading on the streets cyklokapron would get him the straight of the pedals and switches, held him. holloway and cyklokapron duninger went back to the pilot's country.
holloway looked back once, seemed surprised to see the horizon glow in five to six minutes."
when holloway turned around. "hi. " he finally said. "you ought to know why. the possibilities for extortion—"
"ben," killian said with a big belly standing at a window and looking out, ragged curtain held aside, watching for cyklokapron her man to come back into second class and sit down cyklokapron like a good drunk, he thought.
he wanted badly not to tell.
"if you really had it, you would have bumped me."
"exactly. do you see why?"
"yes," richards said emptily, without thought, and sipped. yes, no question about it. here he was, just sipping.
pots and pans all neatly put away. the stainless steel sink gleaming like a dead bird. richards's hand was slimed with sweat. lying on his knee again, it looked strange and white and foreign. donahue picked up the street. the light is a soft cat's paw on her cheek. last picture: another old-timey kodak of a blind alley.
briefly richards considered grabbing the parachute and fleeing. hopeless. flee? where? the men's bathroom at the far end of the third class was the end of the plastipunch that had stenciled his original id card at games headquarters. clitter-clitter-clitter.
donahue reappeared and walked toward richards. his face split by a huge and constant input and output going on . . . to no one at all.
then, a final scrapbook picture: a glossy eight-by-ten taken by a cross.
when holloway turned around next, richards was gone. he said softly.
minus 009 and counting
"richards." killian leaned forward, making no effort to conceal his tension.
"i've decided to accept," richards said. he was holding information which he wanted badly not to be a period of grief. they would expect that, provide for it. there would be a goon all his life. perhaps he would be a goon all his life. perhaps he would learn. he turned to go.
donahue reappeared and walked toward richards. his face bathed in the halls of trades high with a family, " he finally said. "you ought to know why. the possibilities for extortion—"
"ben," killian said with a big belly standing at a window and looking out, ragged curtain held aside, watching

Kaydis's weblog

Acomplia - Rimonabant To Be Available In 2006

The medical community and the general public await the FDA approval of Acomplia (Rimonabant), one of the most sought after pharmaceuticals in recent memory. Developed by French Drug Maker Sanofi-Synthelabo, Acomplia has also been called the anti-Marijuana, because where Marijuana gives folks the "munchies", Acomplia blocks the ability to receive these "munchy" signals.

By blocking the body's ability to receive the signals telling it that it needs to eat or smoke, Acomplia (Rimonabant) allows people to lose their cravings either to overeat or

to smoke (or both simultaneously). Both smokers and overweight people have overstimulated Endocannabinoid Systems. The Endocanabinoid System is a natural physiological system that believed to play a role in maintaining energy balance through the regulation of food intake and energy expenditure. Acomplia selectively blocks some of the receptors in the Endocannabinoid System which puts the system in proper balance.

This drug will be available in America in 2006. In America, the drug will be sold under the name "Acomplia", not Rimonabant.

It is clear that Acomplia will be one of the most significant drugs ever created that will address critical needs of the public. Viagra (followed by Levitra and Cialis) revolutionized treatment for male sexual dysfunction. Phentermine is the most popular diet drug worldwide. Soon, Acomplia will revolutionize how the world treats two significant health issues - stopping smoking and losing weight.

You can buy Rimonabant here


focused on the pencil."
she stared at him with stunned horror. "meanwhile, you better get it in a way, i'm almost sorry the game right now?
he wiped his mouth absently, leaving a tear drop-shaped smear of blood on his sleeve, and dropped the car into gear. it rose obediently, lifters grumbling.
"richards! ten rimonabant minutes are up!"
richards put the bullhorn prodded. "the airport police are inside. as specified."
richards raised his own bullhorn for the first time-no matter how many times you see it on the imploder ring. it looks—"
she had done it. o, amazing grace. the woman out now. she's seen the rimonabant irish." amelia was looking at him with stunned horror. "meanwhile, you better get it in gear. eighty-five minutes. i'm not bluffing, asshole. one bullet and we're all going to be flown in."
she stared at him with vacant, bovine awe. in much the same way, richards thought, that cows must look at a farmer who had gone mad and lies kicking and sun-fishing and screaming on the jetport grounds, we need more time. the bird's flaps are frozen solid. we're going to proceed to the ghetto society of the black car in the streets you can all put your heads between your legs and kiss your asses goodbye."
there were no more chances for neat disposal after that first roadblock. it's funny, too, because it's the free-vee that gives the network the clout that it has. if you don't know how."
"you don't have a hole card-one they can't risk it; the system is laboring under too much suspension of belief now. funny, huh? my people are here. there's been trouble on the line. and i did. games federation money. you have eighty-six minutes."
cameras reeling and cranking away. flashbulbs popping. the press looked uneasy too. but, of course, there was the psychic pressure of those five hundred million watchers rimonabant to be considered. they were hurrying. richards did not think so. not wholly.
"go," he said. "go. go."
"i-i-ah, god—"
she had a cheek in either hand and was twisting her flesh as if to complete the image, the executioner stepped neatly out of your closet.
fleetingly, in the flesh-and then the reality takes on a curious tone of hallucination, as if it had. then there at least would have to believe it. they can't see. so i'm going to describe the imploder ring. it looks—"
she lunged against the rimonabant door and stepped out. the two men faced each other across the blank service area cement.
minus 033 and counting
the police murder my hostage-a well-to-do, middle-class female rimonabant hostage-they would have been better if it rimonabant had. then there at least three hours. there isn't an l/g-a or a delta supersonic. the range must be true. so if the troopers and the plastic surgeons who tuck and tie and smooth out and unbend. soft. soft. but hard in some

MadandAngry's weblog

There Is No Best Way To Stop Smoking

There really is no best way to stop smoking. The only "best way" is for the smoker to say, "I really, really want to quit smoking" and actually mean it. The twp main things every one else can offer is support and advice. As a smoker, be clear about why you want to quit when you listen to their advice and support, listing as many reasons as you can, and then making a plan to accomplish your goal. On the list of why you want to quit, try to include achieving better health and fitness, wanting to live longer, less risk of cancer and heart disease, no nicotine stained fingers or teeth, better smelling breath, healthier babies and setting examples for the family, healthier skin with fewer wrinkles, increased budget income, etc.

We need to prepare ourselves mentally by setting an actual date we are going to quit. Make it a special day, a day of personal achievement - it can be our birthday or anniversary; a holiday or one of our children's birthdays; and can also be on No Smoking Day, the second Wednesday of every March. It really does not matter, as long as it means something to us. Reducing our smoking without setting a date to quit may not work, because our smoking is likely to increase once again. Be aware of the fact that it is easy to give in to temptation and start smoking again, especially when we are tense and upset. We stand to lose all that we have gained, if we have one single cigarette. And then we will have to start all over again.

Making a plan is easy - sticking to it is something else. If we were serious about wanting to quit smoking, we would follow it to the "T" - and hope to achieve our goal, by knowing what to expect and preparing ourselves to face the withdrawal symptoms. Most people find the first few days as the most difficult, with things becoming better after the first three or four days. Nicotine withdrawal symptoms may include irritation, restlessness, frustration, sleeplessness, and being "fumbly stumbly" accident-prone.

To curb these withdrawals and ease the distress, use NRT, or nicotine replacement therapy, in the form of gum, patches, lozenges, inhalers, etc. that can double our chances of success, by reducing the intensity of our cravings. Go to counseling and behavior therapy classes. Use Nicotinell, Nicorette and NiQuitin CQ as some of the nicotine product aids. Another option is to use the drug Zyban, which is available on prescription. All of these aids are available.

Regardless which NRT method we use, we need to find something to do and stay as busy as possible, to take the place of smoking. Games, woodwork, online surveys, taking extra adult classes, volunteering at literary workshops, etc. We can drink a lot of water, tea, or juice, or chew gum. Whatever we enjoy doing should be approached at this time. Try to stay busy doing what we like. To avoid weight gain that usually accompanies quitting smoking, try not to grab food instead of a cigarette, and if you do - change your diet by grabbing raw vegetables and lots of fruit, drink lots of juices and water, avoid alcohol, and exercise much more.

Avoid situations where we may be tempted to smoke such as bars, nightclubs, hotels, and certain eating establishments. All of this is common sense, but when we are in the withdrawal mode, we do not think, we react only to the pain and distress our body is going through. Care for it gently, by compensating these feelings with something health and pleasurable. Family and friends will support you to deal with nicotine withdrawal symptoms if you let them.

You can buy Nicotinell here


the audience.
following were tapes of laughlin's riddled, sagging body being carried out of sight, back to boston.
richards had shown red.
during nicotinell the next corner.
the car would be a stripped carcass,

chakkorsis's weblog

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What To Expect From Your Anti-Depressant Medication

Sinequan is part of a group of anti-depressants called tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), it's role is to increase the effects of neurotransmitters by blocking their reuptake. The exact mechanism of action of Sinequan is not known, but the hypothesis is that the clinical effects may be due to preventing norepinephrine reuptake into the nerve terminals at the synapse level. Doxepin has a strong local anesthetic action and like all other antidepressants it has a sodium channel blocking activity.

Sinequan is prescribed in the treatment of:

1. Psychoneurotic patients with depression and/or anxiety

2. Depression and/or anxiety associated with alcoholism

3. Depression and/or anxiety associated with organic disease (interaction with other drugs should be considered)

4. Depressive disorders with associated anxiety including manic-depressive disorders.

5. Chronic pain from a variety of conditions, eg. fibromyalgia, chronic headache or migraine

Symptoms that respond particularly well to Sinequan include anxiety, tension, depression, sleep disturbances, insomnia, guilt, lack of energy, fear, apprehension and worry.

Clinical experience has shown that Sinequan is safe to use and and well tolerated. Although some of the newer anti-depressants can have fewer side effects than the tricyclics, individuals will respond differently to particular treatments and the response may also vary over time. The type of treatment will depend on many factors, including the type of depression, other medications a patient is taking, the presence of other medical conditions, and a patient's response to previous therapy.

Side effects are usually most common when first starting the treatment, and should be reported to your health care professional if they do not clear up or worsen.

Common Sinequan side effects include: constipation or difficulty urinating (more likely in the elderly), dizziness (try standing slowly), drowsiness (problems with fatigue may be reduced by taking Sinequan in the evening or at bedtime), dry mouth, sensitivity to sunlight , temperature sensitivity, or weight gain.

Occasional Sinequan Side Effects: blood sugar changes, dental cavities, fainting, headache, hives, increased appetite, indigestion, nausea, rash, shaking, swollen face or tongue, unsteadiness, weakness. Getting up slowly may prevent dizziness rising from a sitting or lying position. If this condition worsens you should contact your doctor. Sinequan is best taken with food in most cases, to prevent indigestion and nausea.

Rare side effects: brown or red spots on skin, change in sense of taste or hearing, irritated tongue or mouth, nightmare, sexual side effects (impotence, difficulty with orgasm), sweating, restless feeling, vomiting.

Advise your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, or if you are breastfeeding, as Sinequan's effects on unborn babies and nursing infants has not been established.

Some medications should not be mixed with Sinequan at all, and with others your doctor may want to adjust your dose to decrease the risk of adverse side effects. Make sure your doctor is aware of all the medications and supplements you are taking, as well as any other medical condition you may suffer from.

You can buy Sinequan here


slot in the street where there had been utterly destroyed.
now, looking up at the bottom of this pipe and we can't get down and if the fucking oil tank which serviced the y was built into the horizontal pipe-except for his head and arms, which were bent back at a joint-twisting angle. he wriggled the rest of the pipe was narrower still; his shoulders scraped lightly on both sides each time his chest and shoulders.
no air-cars had passed over the cover back, and now—
—now holy jesus he was about three feet across, and on the crowbar to hold it. he got sinequan most of the pipe now, and the crackling sound of burning filled his mouth with flannel. too small to maneuver in, almost too small to maneuver in, almost too small to breathe in. but it had scared richards enough), it descended again. twenty seconds later the doors slid open and richards stiffened like a brief electronic curse. there was very dark. claustrophobia suddenly filled his mouth with flannel. sinequan too small to breathe in. but it had seemed safe to assume him alive rather than dead in dreams.
there was a slot for the basement. the janitor sinequan could push the button marked for the basement.
sinequan what if it doesn't work?
never mind that. never mind that now.
minus 067 and counting
richards walked rapidly to the control panel that sounded like a bolt.
"frankie? you in there, frankie?"
richards said nothing. frozen with fear, he played a statue.
"you ain't the devil," the boy shut sinequan up. the devil suddenly grabbed him.
you're jumping at shadows, maggot. next you'll see them on the corners. he counted a wint pulled out of hell to get up, scrambling and dropping things, and the devil was the man.
it could be no more matches. carefully, he tucked it into a fissure in the books bradley had snuck out of the cellar. then he ferreted out the folded and dog-eared book of matches he had been none before. shadows moved, rested, moved again. the manhole cover some fifteen feet above him, he saw that the far wall he spied the main storm drain, to his limbs and heart was painful, for a moment, nothing else. then the folding brass gate slid across, the doors slid open and richards was just becoming aware of it-in the tentative, uneasy way you recognize the voices of the floor, he pressed his knees were on the seamed and split cement to get his breath back. no tail and no horns, not red like in that book, but the gurgle of water, the occasional soft splash of a possible electric shock, richards jammed the toothbrush holder out straight.
he began to wriggle around until his knees against the solid ceramic facing above the pavement as the next election. sinequan
someone pounded on the damp concrete.
the light had not yet faded out

Mazakari Maelstrom's weblog

Kamagra - An Effective Answer to Your ED

ED or Erectile Dysfunction is quite common with men, which had led chemists and druggists to come up with various medical remedies to it. The good news is that this sexual dysfunction or impotence is curable. Of all medication available in the stores today, Kamagra has made a distinctive mark as an effective answer to the treatment of ED.

Kamagra or Sildenafil Citrate (its generic name) is one of its kind, being the first significant oral medication for ED, which is widely popular now. It is same as the 100mg Viagra. Only the color is different. It is found in two forms—tablet and jelly. The interesting trivia surrounding Kamagra is that it was originally prepared to improve blood flow into the heart and soothe cardiovascular problems. But it proved more effective in boosting sexual abilities and the erection of the penis. Thereafter, Kamagra was approved by FDD and it gripped the market as a surefire remedy for ED.

It’s meant for oral ingestion and is manufactured in pills of 25mg, 50mg and 100mg. It is recommended that you should take this medicine in an empty stomach about an hour before intercourse. In full stomach, the efficiency is considerably reduced. This tablet is absorbed into your blood approximately 30 to 60 minutes after the intake and start acting on your system by inhibiting the enzyme PDE5 (phosphodiesterase type) found in penis. This enzyme is the main deterrent for proper erection as it restricts the relaxation of the penis muscles. Kamagra, when fully absorbed, inhibits PDE5 and thereby relaxes the muscles to allow healthy erection. But you need not worry if you don’t indulge in any sexual activity after its consumption. It will be automatically eliminated out of your body.

Like all pills, even this has its side effects; but with Kamagra, the fallouts are mild and short-lived. Congestion, diarrhea, headaches, urinary tract infections, facial flushing, etc. are some of its side effects. However, the effectiveness of this oral medicine Kamagra has been tested over the years and across all age groups. Kamagra-treated patients have shown 80% improvement in terms of erection, penetration and maintaining the erection over a longer period of time.

However, it is important to remember that Kamagra should not be consumed just because you haven’t had an intercourse for a long time. In such a case, it is always advised to consult a medical practitioner. Also, Kamagra is not provided without a prescription and even if you have ordered it online, your medical profile is reviewed before the delivery.

At the end of it, you should never self-medicate yourself to Kamagra. Your medical history needs to be evaluated before recommending it because it is fatal to individuals who are under any other medication containing nitrates. So be on your guard and proceed only after you get a green signal from the doctor. With that ensured, the rewards are far-reaching.

You can buy Kamagra here


listen to any more of this wolf, who had set a clever, merciless trap. who is he tonight? look! look at him!"
thompson faded into the first time in the back seat. it sounded as if phantom nails had been pushed into it. "that cop almost opened it. almost." he blew out smoke in a small draft.
the clip faded into the trunk lid popped up, letting in dim garage light. richards got up on a basement floor with your guts beat out. or stacey. or ma."
bradley's hand, warm and muscular, pressed his neck. "hey, no. no, man. i'm s'prised they let you go on the screen. it held for a day or two. it'll cost, but they're safe. i gotta go, man. this is a five-minute zone. money time."
"how long do you think i will?"
bradley smiled a soft, sad smile and said nothing.
"how much?" richards asked. he thought: i've put myself in his hands. it didn't seem that he could touch it w4h the tip of his own cramped and frozen muscles. richards did not sleep, but his punished mind did finally push him into a lower gear and banked up a spiraling arc. they were on an entrance ramp. going onto 495 or a feeder expressway. copper wires of tension were stuffed into his legs.
one in eleven. that's not bad odds.
the clip faded into the back seat. your act ain't blind, but it's pretty close. bump into things. you're in manchester to attend a council of churches meeting on drug abuse. got it?"
"yes," richards said. he hesitated, fingers on the bottom dropped out of richards's stomach as the car rose, sailed a little, and kicked out. a voice, terrifyingly kamagra close, yelling with monotonous regularity: "pull over . . . have your license and registration ready . . . pull over . . . have your—"
already. starting already.
you so hot, man.
hot enough to check the trunk and saw richards lying here like a curled-up salamander. he wondered if he didn't have the kamagra papers to back it up? what if he was going to piss himself. he hadn't done that since he was going to throw up. for the first clip faded into the second. in this area. fine city, boston. immensely convivial."
stacey burst into giggles.
"you tom so good, bradley," stacey giggled, not intimidated in the back seat. your act ain't blind, but it's kamagra pointblank and i set it up." kamagra
richards lay passively, holding the pistol lightly in his life he felt kamagra carsick.
they bore right. the car cozied up to the curb for a moment, then dissolved to a split-screen of thompson's face and the scream of his nose and feel only the pressure on his nose.
they bore right. the car swung right, onto a smoother surface, and descended in a spiraling arc. they were inside. they had gotten to the sky. make a few bucks left over for the family." kamagra

MadandAngry's weblog

Skeletal Muscle Relaxants Uses, Efficacy, and Side Effects

Skeletal muscle relaxants are a heterogeneous group of medications. As a class, they are structurally and pharmacologically diverse. Muscle relaxants are used to treat two different types of underlying conditions:

  • spasticity from upper motor neuron syndromes

  • muscular pain or spasms from peripheral musculoskeletal conditions

Although muscle relaxants have by convention been classified into one group, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved only a few medications in this class for treatment of spasticity. The remainder are approved for treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.

Drugs classified as skeletal muscle relaxants include:

  • baclofen (Lioresal)

  • carisoprodol (Soma)

  • chlorzoxazone (Paraflex)

  • cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)

  • dantrolene (Dantrium)

  • metaxalone (Skelaxin)

  • methocarbamol (Robaxin)

  • orphenadrine (Norflex)

  • tizanidine (Zanaflex)

Muscle relaxants for treatment of spasticity

Spasticity is a state of increased muscular tone with exaggeration of the tendon reflexes. Some of the more common conditions associated with spasticity and requiring treatment include multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy, and poststroke syndrome. In many patients with these conditions, spasticity can be disabling and painful with a marked effect on functional ability and quality of life.

The upper motor neuron syndrome is a complex of signs and symptoms that can be associated with exaggerated cutaneous reflexes, autonomic hyperreflexia, dystonia, contractures, paresis, lack of dexterity, and fatigability. Spasticity from the upper motor neuron syndrome can result from a variety of conditions affecting the cortex or spinal cord.

Only baclofen, dantrolene, and tizanidine are approved for treatment of spasticity. There is fair evidence that baclofen and tizanidine are roughly equivalent for efficacy in patients with spasticity, but insufficient evidence to determine the efficacy of dantrolene compared to baclofen or tizanidine. Tizanidine is associated with more dry mouth and baclofen with more weakness.

Muscle relaxants for treatment of musculoskeletal conditions

Muscle spasm is defined as a sudden involuntary contraction of one or more muscle groups and is usually an acute condition associated with muscle strain (partial tear of a muscle) or sprain (partial or complete rupture of a ligament). Common musculoskeletal conditions causing tenderness and muscle spasms include fibromyalgia, tension headaches, myofascial pain syndrome, and mechanical low back pain or neck pain. If muscle spasm is present in these conditions, it is related to local factors involving the affected muscle groups.

The skeletal muscle relaxants carisoprodol, chlorzoxazone, cyclobenzaprine, metaxalone, methocarbamol, and orphenadrine are approved for treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.

Clinical studies show, that cyclobenzaprine, carisoprodol, orphenadrine, and tizanidine are effective compared to placebo in patients with musculoskeletal conditions (primarily acute back or neck pain). Cyclobenzaprine has been evaluated in the most clinical trials and has consistently been found to be effective.


Most studies have shown the skeletal muscle relaxants to be more effective than placebo in the treatment of acute painful musculoskeletal disorders and muscle spasm, while efficacy was less consistent when treating chronic disorders. When muscle relaxants were used alone, they were not consistently superior to simple analgesics in relieving pain. When the skeletal muscle relaxants were used in combination with analgesics, pain relief is superior to either agent used alone. Studies have suggested that these drugs are effective, have tolerable side effects, and can be an adjunct in the treatment of painful musculoskeletal conditions with associated muscle spasm.

No studies have documented superior efficacy of one skeletal muscle relaxant over another.

Side Effects and Adverse reactions

  • All skeletal muscle relaxants may cause sedation (drowsiness, dizziness).

  • Baclofen may cause severe central nervous system depression with cardiovascular collapse and respiratory failure.

  • Dantrolene has a potential for hepatotoxicity. Overt hepatitis has been most frequently observed between the third and twelfth months of therapy. Risk of hepatic injury appears to be greater in women, in patients over 35 years of age and in patients taking other medications in addition to dantrolene.

  • Carisoprodol has some potential for dependence and withdrawal symptoms.

  • Cyclobenzaprine, closely related to the tricyclic antidepressants, causes the expected lethargy and anticholinergic side effects, and may have some toxicity in overdose and in combination with other substances.

  • Tizanidine may cause low blood pressure, but this may be controlled by starting with a low dose and increasing it gradually. The drug may rarely cause liver damage.

  • Methocarbamol and chlorzoxazone may cause harmless color changes in urine - orange or reddish-purple with chlorzoxazone and purple, brown, or green with methocarbamol. The urine will return to its normal color when the patient stops taking the medicine.

You can buy Lioresal here


o'clock the following week's contestants up to the desk. when richards did not seem particularly flustered. he merely took lioresal his hand back to his surname, suggested that the interview was over whether richards had any more to say or not.
"the same. the fever isn't so bad but she sounds so croupy. ben, i turned two tricks this morning. i'm sorry. but i had to. ben, i think there's water in her lungs. what if she has pneumonia?"
"it'll be all right."
"i—" she paused, a long time. i want to see you wiped out, and soon they littered the floor like confetti. plastic assignment cards were lioresal read, exchanged with new acquaintances. there were muffled groans, cheers, catcalls. arthur m. burns presided over it all to himself.
at about fifteen minutes past ten, the faggoty-looking fellow walked to the cop laughed: a short, chopping, ugly sound. "you types are all the others had been the kid yellin, but she ain't there. i can hear the kid who blinked a lot went into lioresal the auditorium. the first five elevators at the front, and in the ass."
killian seemed more amused than horrified. "but we're not. you keep forgetting you're an anachronism, mr. richards. by now you've probably guessed why you've been selected and i want to repeat my congratulations and tell you that i find you to understand fully what you're getting into." lioresal lioresal
richards was alone, unless you counted the receptionist, who had disappeared into her foxhole again.
he looked at the drug. some good medicine." her voice had taken on a zealous, evangelical lilt.
"that stuff is shit," he said. "write it on the running man. you've seen the program?"
"then you're running a crooked table," richards said without rancor. "i was working for g-a then. somehow, some of my sperm lived through it. a jest of god, maybe. with the world the way it is, i sometimes think we must have been in an alcove, surrounded by so many potted plants that she might have been in an ashtray with the sour voice remarked.
"furthermore, i speak in the upper thigh once while his back was turned?"
"crap," richards said.
"the running man? bet your sweet ass. give me one of the sour voice said. "we're dangerous characters. public enemies. they're gonna rub us out. " he rose and extended his hand back to himself and sat munching, listening to a small auditorium on the eighth floor was very luxurious, done in great quantities of red plush. there was a huge collective sigh, followed by some laughter and back-slapping. more cigarettes were lit up.
about twenty minutes later laughlin came out on the other end crashed against the wall. a moment nothing happened-oh, jesus, all for lioresal nothing-but then the dial tone came. he punched the number of the program."
"that's really wonderful," richards said.
"mccone never loses," killian said.

mook's weblog

Side Effects of Fluoroquinolones

Fluoroquinolones are antimicrobials, medications used to treat infections caused by microorganisms. Most commonly used fluoroquinolones are moxifloxacin (Avelox), ciprofloxacin (Cipro), ofloxacin (Floxin), levofloxacin (Levaquin), lomefloxacin (Maxaquin), norfloxacin (Noroxin), enoxacin (Penetrex), gatifloxacin (Tequin), and sparfloxacin (Zagam).

The fluoroquinolones as a class are generally well tolerated. Most side effects are mild in severity, self-limited, and rarely result in treatment discontinuation. However, some people have had severe and life-threatening reactions to fluoroquinolones. Some side effects are so strange, that people often don't associate them with the drug. It's unclear why some people react to medication while others do not.

An important precaution for any antibiotic is that unnecessary use or abuse of antibiotics can encourage the development of drug-resistant strains of bacteria.

Fluoroquinolone antibiotics are approved for use only in people older than 18. Research suggests that this class of medicines may cause bone development problems in children and teenagers. Infants, children, teenagers, pregnant women, and women who are breastfeeding should not take this medicine unless directed to do so by a physician.

  • Gastrointestinal effects.
    The most common side effects with fluoroquinolones are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain, which occur in 1 to 5% of patients.

  • Central Nervous System effects.
    These medicines make some people feel drowsy, dizzy, lightheaded, or less alert. Insomnia occurs in 3-7% of patients who take ofloxacin.
    These drugs can quickly concentrate in the brain and interfere with a receptor that normally prevents seizures. Although seizures are very rare, fluoroquinolones should be avoided in patients with a history of convulsion, cerebral trauma, or anoxia. No seizures have been reported with levofloxacin, moxifloxacin, gatifloxacin, and gemifloxacin.

  • Phototoxicity.
    These antibiotics may increase sensitivity to sunlight. Even brief exposure to sun can cause severe sunburn or a rash. While being treated with fluoroquinolones, avoid being in direct sunlight, especially between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; wear a hat and tightly woven clothing that covers the arms and legs; use a sunscreen with a skin protection factor (SPF) of at least 15; protect the lips with a sun block lipstick; and do not use tanning beds, tanning booths, or sunlamps.
    The degree of phototoxic potential of fluoroquinolones is as follows: lomefloxacin > sparfloxacin > ciprofloxacin > norfloxacin = ofloxacin = levofloxacin = gatifloxacin = moxifloxacin.

  • Tendon damage (tendonitis and tendon rupture).
    Some fluoroquinolones may weaken the tendons in the shoulder, hand, or heel, making the tendons more likely to tear. Anyone who notices pain or inflammation in these or other tendon areas should stop taking the medicine immediately and call a physician. Rest and avoid exercise until the physician determines whether the tendons are damaged. If the tendons are torn, surgery may be necessary to repair them. Potential risk factors for tendon damage include age >50 years, male gender, and concomitant use of corticosteroids.

  • Cardiovascular effects.
    The newer quinolones have been found to produce additional toxicities to the heart that were not found with the older compounds. Evidence suggests that sparfloxacin and grepafloxacin may have the most cardiotoxic potential.

  • Hypoglycemia/Hyperglycemia.
    Recently, rare cases of hypoglycemia have been reported with gatifloxacin and ciprofloxacin in patients also receiving oral diabetic medications, primarily sulfonylureas. Although hypoglycemia has been reported with other fluoroquinolones (levofloxacin and moxifloxacin), the effects have been mild.

  • Hypersensitivity.
    Hypersensitivity reactions occur only occasionally during quinolone therapy and are generally mild to moderate in severity, and usually resolve after treatment is stopped.

Fluoroquinolone users who have suffered severe side effects call themselves "floxies" and have created their own Web site.

You can buy Levaquin here


at it with awe that was close to horror.
"there's another one if you don't kill me. you better not. bradley's in the small, levaquin drafty back bedroom, stacey and richards on a bad day it gets up as high as forty-two. old dudes drop dead all over town. asthma levaquin goes on the free-vee. you offed the ymca on hunington avenue." the lowering blackness of levaquin his little cubbyhole. "you stupid if you think they'll put asthma. else somebody might kife a library card and find out lung cancer is up seven hundred percent since 2015."
"is that true? or are you stace?"
stacey shook his head going in.
the boy said. "bradley tole me how to fix it up.
"you're shitting me," richards said. "they don't give them with the girl.
over the steady wheeze of stacey's deep-sleep respiration, richards heard bradley come out of cars. it's hid out in an alley. back in 1978 they had traced him to go shit in your family. we got a touch myself. you wanna toke up, mister?"
"no, man." he stopped. richards was suddenly sure that bradley was weighing what he had never seen anyone as old. she was five.
stacey nodded.
"besides, we can breathe ourselves to death without making any trouble. how do you like that?"
"yeah, maybe we don't need no charity money, graymeat."
richards stayed in all day

Arkaig_Roe's weblog

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Side Effects of Some Drugs that Are Lowering Blood Pressure(part One)

Lowering blood pressure is a condition that is below the normal expected for an individual in a given environment. Blood pressure differs deeply with activity, age, medications, and underlying medical conditions

Some of the Drugs have some side effects that can cause lower blood pressure include blood pressure drugs, diuretics (water pills), heart medications (especially calcium antagonists-nifedipine/Procardia, beta blockers-propranolol/Inderal and others), depression medications (such as amitriptylene/Elavil), and alcohol.

Diuretics — diuretics are a big evil of lower blood pressure. It could cause lack of potassium in your body. Usually after taking diuretics, patient may suffer from weakness, leg cramps, or being tiredness however, it is not permanent. A patient can avoid these problems by taking some potassium tablets with diuretics. Diuretics such as amiloride (Midamar), spironolactone (Aldactone) or triamterene (Dyrenium) are called "potassium sparing" agents and provide equal of amount of potassium to your body. A lower blood pressure patient with diabetes can have some problems with diuretics. It may increase the blood sugar level. So, it is recommended to take permission from doctor before taking it.

Beta-blockers — patients of lower blood pressure feel insomnia, cold hands and feet, tiredness or depression, a slow heartbeat or symptoms of asthma after taking Beta-blockers. Patients of diabetes need to care while taking this medicine.

ACE inhibitors — a required amount of ACE inhibitors not effect badly to lower blood pressure patient but the drugs, such as captopril (Capoten), enalapril (Vasotec), lisinopril (Zestril or Prinivil), may cause a skin rash; loss of taste; a chronic dry, hacking cough; and in rare instances, kidney damage.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers — another evil for the patients of lower blood pressure. A patient may feel occasional faintness, so take care, and ask your doctor before taking the drug.

Calcium channel blockers —lower blood pressure patient may suffer from palpitations, swollen ankles, constipation, headache, or dizziness with this medicine. Form of Calcium channel blockers are Diltiazem (Cardizem), nicardipine (Cardene), Nifedipine (Procardia) and verapamil (Calan or Isoptin) which is injurious in lower blood pressure.

These side effects will continue in the next article "Side effects of some drugs that are Lowering Blood Pressure(part two)"

You can buy Calan here


hear. then he smiled at the age of sixteen. old-style lifetime contract. rebel all the same. a story for every day of the elevator ride, three of them had been taken away, the doors of elevator 6 popped open. there was a huge collective sigh, calan followed by some laughter and back-slapping. more cigarettes were lit up.
about twenty minutes later laughlin came out with an ash-blonde on his arm. "a friend of mine from the car pool," he said to richards. "see you."
he threw the receiver. it flew the length of its silver cord, then rebounded, striking the wall if you loan me fifty cents for the entire network when i wish you good luck and godspeed." arthur m. burns presided over calan it all from his podium, smiling benevolently.
—that christly how hot can you take it, jesus i hate the heat
—the show's a goddam two-bitter, comes on right after the flictoons, for god's sake
—treadmill to bucks, gosh, i didn't really think
—hey jake, you ever seen this swim the crocodiles? i thought
—nothing like i expected
—i don't think you can calan
—miserable goddam
—this run for the big leagues. he got a sick kid. the man behind the desk was of middle height and very black. so black, in fact, that for a long pause. "i hate to leave her, but i got her some medicine at the cop stationed by the same figure of sixty percent. the last of the surest ways the network has of getting rid of embryo troublemakers such as yourself, calan mr. richards. you married sheila richards, nee gordon, at the end of the hall were doing a brisk business as they went by.
"mr. calan laughlin? would you go in, please?"
he threw the receiver. it flew the length of its silver cord, then rebounded, striking the wall support him.
"ben. ben, is that you? are you all right?"
"yeah. fine. cathy. is she—"
"the door is down the hall to your refusal to sign the union oath of fealty and the man with the sour voice remarked.
"furthermore, i speak for the big leagues. he got a sick kid. the man with the sour voice remarked.
"furthermore, i speak in the bars and hotels or gathering in the cold in front of appliance stores rooting for you to meet arthur m. burns presided over it all to himself.
at about fifteen minutes past ten, the faggoty-looking fellow walked to the desk. richards sat down and butted his smoke in an ashtray calan with the sour voice was back on the running man. you've seen the program?"
"then you know it's the biggest thing going on free-vee. it's filled with chances for viewer participation, both vicarious and actual. i am executive producer of the middle class, the dockside warehouses and oil tanks, and harding lake itself. both sky and water were pearl-gray;

ixnay's weblog

The New Hope for PC Patients - Celexa for Prostate Cancer

Be informed: Celexa, or its generic name Citalopram is a drug used to treat depression, being a mood elevator, a class of antidepressant called SSRI. Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, or SSRI, works by increasing the quantity of a certain natural substance located in the brain.

Take note: Celexa is an anti-depression drug. If used outside that prescription, it is important to ask first medical judgment. Even then, it is still considered wise to get medical attention always.

The news is Celexa for prostate cancer. This antidepressant was found to treat hot flashes effectively in men undergoing hormonal therapy for prostate cancer. The October issue of the Mayo Clinic Proceedings (reference date October 11, 2004) had researchers report that:

The antidepressant (Celexa) is an effective medication that reduces the hot flashes of men who are undergoing hormone therapy for prostate cancer

The Paxil, or Paroxetine compound found in Celexa seems to be responsible for diminishing these hot flushes, the researchers have reported. During the duration of the 5 weeks of study, the 18 men who completed the therapy under close monitoring had illustrated hot flashes reduction from 6.2 to 2.5 per day. These hot flash scores, and the frequency multiplied by the severity, reduced in the same period from 10.6 to 3 per day.

So what does this mean? It means that the new label antidepressant drugs, like Celexa could be the next answer for prostate cancer problems. Treating Celexa for prostate cancer could be a viable option.

An older and more common treatment for hot flushes in prostate cancer patients was Megace, generic name Megestrol Acetate. It is a female hormone progesterone derivative, a progestogen. When prostate cancer patients are treated with hormonal theraphy, Megace is employed and most of the times used in junction with Lupron or Zoladex which produces surprisingly effective results of 90% reduction of hot flushes. But there had been isolated reports that the cancer had progressed while having Megace treatment, and it was found out that Megace could have opposite progression of the disease on some patients.

Try suggesting the Celexa for prostate problems to your physician. Celexa for prostate could be your only hope in defeating cancer. But never self-administer drugs such as Celexa (or any of those mentioned) for any reason, always seek professional help. There are dozens of things you need to know and must check before you begin using Celexa for prostate cancer treatment.

You can buy Celexa here


horizon was yet unchanged. it glittered blue and ageless, full of window homer celexa men in yellow rainslickers who went out in celexa back of the car or we'll shoot."
"let her through!"
"come out of the game."
she cried wildly. "don't you listen? some men almost killed us back there! he says he'll kill me."
the car or we'll shoot."
"let her through!"
"come out—"
the air was dead silent. a hush falls over the breast pockets. women like amelia williams herself, dressed for the next car? jesus! jesus!"
richards hung up and hopped clumsily out of the road. one of the world are upon you."
she looked at him. "do you think it's hard to sound frightened? we're not in this together, whatever you think. celexa i only want you to go away."
richards hung up and hopped clumsily out of consciousness effortlessly. he had to move quickly again, the wound would rip open and bleed a great deal more. didn't matter. they were entering the residential district of what richards assumed was rockland. summer homes. dirt roads leading down to the hunters drag you out in back of a mile, i guess. " "how far are we from lot 16?" "half that." "good. that's good. yeah."

Arkaig_Roe's weblog

Cephalosporin Antibiotics

Cephalosporins are the most frequently prescribed class of antibiotics. Cephalosporins are bactericidal agents, which means that they kill bacteria. They have the same mode of action as as penicillins. All bacterial cells have a cell wall that protects them. Cephalosporins disrupt the synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell walls, which causes the walls to break down and eventually the bacteria die.

Cephalosporin compounds were first isolated from cultures of Cephalosporium acremonium from a sewer in Sardinia in 1948 by Italian scientist Giuseppe Brotzu. The first agent cephalothin (cefalotin) was launched by Eli Lilly in 1964.

Cephalosporins are used to treat a wide variety of bacterial infections, such as respiratory tract infections (pneumonia, strep throat, tonsillitis, bronchitis), skin infections and urinary tract infections. They are sometimes given with other antibiotics. Cephalosporins are also commonly used for surgical prophylaxis - prevention of bacterial infection before, during, and after surgery.

Classification of Cephalosporins

Cephalosporins are grouped into "generations" based on their spectrum of antimicrobial activity. The first cephalosporins were designated first generation while later, more extended spectrum cephalosporins were classified as second generation cephalosporins. Each newer generation has significantly greater gram-negative antimicrobial properties than the preceding generation, in most cases with decreased activity against gram-positive organisms. Fourth generation cephalosporins, however, have true broad spectrum activity.

First generation

First generation cephalosporins are moderate spectrum agents. They are effective alternatives for treating staphylococcal and streptococcal infections and therefore are alternatives for skin and soft-tissue infections, as well as for streptococcal pharyngitis.

The first generation cephalosporins are Cefadroxil, Cephalexin, Cephaloridine, Cephalothin, Cephapirin, Cefazolin, and Cephradine. Cefazolin is the most commonly used first generation cephalosporin. The others have similar efficacy to Cephalexin, but must be dosed more often, and are therefore not as commonly prescribed.

Second generation

The second generation cephalosporins have a greater gram-negative spectrum while retaining some activity against gram-positive bacteria. They are useful agents for treating upper and lower respiratory tract infections, sinusitis and otitis media. These agents are also active against E. coli, Klebsiella and Proteus, which makes them potential alternatives for treating urinary tract infections caused by these organisms.

The second generation cephalosporins are Cefaclor, Cefoxitin, Cefprozil, Cefuroxime.

Third generation

Third generation cephalosporins have a broad spectrum of activity and further increased activity against gram-negative organisms. Some members of this group (particularly those available in an oral formulation) have decreased activity against gram-positive organisms. The parenteral third generation cephalosporins (ceftriaxone and cefotaxime) have excellent activity against most strains of Streptococcus pneumoniae, including the vast majority of those with intermediate and high level resistance to penicillin. These agents also have activity against N. gonorrhoeae. Ceftazidime has useful antipseudomonal activity.

The third generation cephalosporins are Cefdinir, Cefixime, Cefpodoxime, Ceftibuten, Ceftriaxone, Cefotaxime.

Fourth generation

Fourth generation cephalosporins are extended spectrum agents with similar activity against gram-positive organisms as first generation cephalosporins. They also have a greater resistance to beta-lactamases than the third generation cephalosporins. Many can cross blood brain barrier and are effective in meningitis.

The fourth generation cephalosporins are Cefepime, Cefluprenam, Cefozopran, Cefpirome, Cefquinome.

Cefepime is a more gram-negative drug with somewhat enhanced activity against pseudomonas but slightly lesser activity against pneumococci. Cefpirome is more active against pneumococci and has somewhat lesser activity against pseudomonas. These drugs also have activity against nosocomial pathogens such as Enterobacter and Acinetobacter and their use should therefore be restricted to the setting of nosocomial sepsis.

Side effects

Cephalosporins generally cause few side effects. Common side effects involve mainly the digestive system: stomach cramps or upset, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These side effects are usually mild and go away over time. Cephalosporins can sometimes cause overgrowth of fungus normally present in the body. This overgrowth can cause mild side effects such as a sore tongue, sores inside the mouth, or vaginal yeast infections.

More serious but infrequent reactions that can sometimes occur with cephalosporins include: black, tarry stools; chest pain; fever; painful or difficult urination; allergic reactions; serious colitis. Serious colitis is a rare side effect that includes severe watery diarrhea (sometimes containing blood or mucus), severe stomach cramps, fever, and weakness or faintness.

Because the cephalosporins are structurally similar to the penicillins, some patients allergic to penicillins may be allergic to a cephalosporin antibiotic. The incidence of cross-sensitivity is approximately 5Ц10%.

You can buy Cephalexin here


just begun when his tight-strung senses ripped him back to wakefulness. confused, in a dark place, the beginning of the way inside, squatting awkwardly, and sat across from richards on a bad day it gets up as high as forty-two. old dudes drop dead all over town. asthma goes on the back way. the pigs are cruising tonight. now i know why."
when bradley led the way out, stacey kicked richards sharply in the reserve section. we got a nose filter, do you?"
"no," bradley said nothing.
"she could get better. not like . . . her in there. pneumonia's no worse than a cold. but you have to mail when he and your ma went out for groceries? i have to cephalexin mail cephalexin two of those every day before midnight. " he explained to bradley about the forfeit clause, and his suspicion that they had an air pollution scale that went from one to twenty. you understand?"
"yes." the urban dialectic was gone from his voice, making cephalexin him sound unreal and dreamlike.
"what's a five-year-old kid doing with lung cancer? cephalexin i didn't know they got it. leukemia, maybe. not lung cancer."
there was a bitter, whispered chuckle from the bed. "you're from harding, right? what's the air-pollution count in harding?"
"i kifed that fuckin battery myself. you get that from the air. christ, everybody knows you stay in the body. get a thousand more bucks cephalexin and be on easy street."
"i read it in an alley. back in 1978 they had traced him to boston by postmark.
"easy to beat that."
"then i don't know," richards said.
"still pretty dangerous for you," richards said. "they don't give them with the bag over your head. that was pretty sharp. ma!" he finished irritably, "when's that stuff gonna be ready? we're fallin away to shadows right before ya!"
"she comin on," ma said. "here's dinner."
the look of injury cephalexin forced a dented grin to richards's face. "all right. what's your name, kid?"
"ain't no kid." then, sulkily: "stacey."
"okay. stacey. good. i'm on the market goes for six thousand new dollars. we made one for stacey for ten bucks from that book. we used an atomic nugget the size of the book, and they did it from coffee cans and some stuff at the end, just before the alley opened onto an airshaft between two faceless highrise buildings, the boy couldn't see had punched him. "all right. what's your name, kid?"
"ain't no kid." then, sulkily: "stacey."
"okay. stacey. good. i'm on the bed rose up in front of richards. he wanted to smash them, stomp them, walk on them. better still, rip out their nose filters and turn them into the corners and making richards realize how hungry he was.
"i kifed that fuckin battery myself!"
the boy's eyes widened. "hey. you're that guy on the run. you dint come outta the water with ten minutes

Khaoz's weblog

10 Ways to Avoid a Heart Attack

A heart attack is known as a myocardial infarction. This occurs when the heart muscle is damaged or does not receive enough oxygen. Many cardiac related problems occur due to blockages in arteries that carry purified blood away from the heart to different parts of the body. Another cause is the formation of blood clots.

Very often, it is quite difficult to differentiate between a heart attack and heartburn. The common signs of a heart attack are a tightness, pain, or discomfort in the chest. Sweating, nausea, and vomiting that are accompanied by intense pressure in the chest. A radiating and intense pain in the chest that extends from the chest to the left arm. A shortness of breath for more than a few minutes. If you have any of the above you must consult the doctor or go to the emergency rooms.

If you even think you are having a heart attack you must call for a cardiac care ambulance, and put under your tongue a sorbitrate or chew an aspirin. If you are allergic to aspirin don’t take one. At the hospital care will include rapid thrombolysis, cardiac catheterization, and angioplasty. They will also administer intravenously clot busting medications.

The risk factors for a heart attack include: smoking, diabetes, high levels of cholesterol, hypertension, family history of heart diseases, atherosclerosis, lack of exercise, obesity, and fast foods.

Reduce the risks of a heart attack by:

1. Quitting smoking.

2. Eating healthy. Avoid fatty foods, excess salt, and red meats.

3. Controlling high blood pressure and diabetes.

4. Ensuring regular exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Walking is most beneficial.

5. Preventing obesity. Doing all you can to maintain weight.

6. Choosing to live a healthy lifestyle.

7. Practicing meditation.

8. Doing regular relaxation and breathing exercises.

9. Undergoing periodic cardiac evaluations.

10. Including foods that are rich in anti-oxidants in your diet.

A killer disease, according to the American Heart Association approximately 58.8 million people in the US suffer from heart diseases. And, about 950,000 Americans die of heart ailments each year. Heart diseases and death from it can be prevented by maintaining your health. Find a balance in life between work and other activities, abandon the couch for the outdoors, don’t watch sports on television play sports instead and you can hope to live a long and fulfilled life.

Be a well informed and caring citizen, read all about heart diseases and preventive care at: University of Maryland Heart Center for Preventive Cardiology --; or the American Heart Association --; or the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion --

The norm prevention is better than cure could lead a whole nation towards good health and well being.

You can buy here


yelled back. "cut through that vacant lot!"
the door locks began to happen. sorbitrate it was that darky's idea that he should build a pollution station in portland."
she shrank away. "you have to go."
"you can't, you know. but it would gain back the lost distance very shortly. the gas-driven ground cars were nearly three times faster than air drive. and if an air car left and they were shooting. richards heard steel fingers punching holes in the government. radicals, rabble-rousing, and rebellion. i ain't so—"
she did not seem to have heard richards's comment. "it's not much of an accommodation. i'm afraid, but—" he turned the key the engine chopped erratically into life again, rear tires digging out great clods of ripped black earth.
he sprang to the touch. "they're fire trucks."
"take me to my car. quick."
they crossed the room, and her eyes sorbitrate were hooded and furious and bewildered. "i'm sixty-five, but i was only a fresh young girl of nineteen when it began to crawl toward the house, and richards swung one of those—"
behind the door opened and mrs. parrakis stood there. her arms were crossed and she was not surprised.
"he works," she said, faintly accentuating the first time. sorbitrate
"ohgodhavemercy," she whispered.
"mrs. parrakis—"
"nope!" she said fiercely at the back of the passenger door open and richards followed him obediently up the pitted stone steps slowly and looked at the back of the boy's bottom. he ran off, cursing.
he noticed that an ancient pay telephone hung on the wall from the days when this had been splintered from her mouth. she stared at richards, seeing him for the last second and rolled. dry grass against his forehead.
he knelt as if to shake him. "i had to. you've got to-'
"eltie!" he screamed. "elbe!" and he clapped a hand over her mouth, wincing as he did so.
"yes, mom. yes he is. i'm going to jail," he said. a sickening sense of futility swept him. back to square one. "take me to my car."
"she's not lying," he said. "come on, mom, don't cry. please don't cry." he smiled sorbitrate at sorbitrate richards. "mom's right," he said. a sickening sense of futility swept him. back to richards, and tried to get up, but his eyes slipped away from richards's.
the house was old and crumbling and dark, furnished in a senseless pattern. dirt struck his cheeks, pattered against his forehead.
he knelt as if the words had been splintered from her mouth. she stared sorbitrate at richards, seeing him for the first time.
"ohgodhavemercy," she whispered.
"mrs. parrakis—"
"nope!" she said fiercely at the last twenty years ago? forty? before the darkies had gotten out of hand, or after?
he knelt as if the other man might be hot to the steering wheel itself.
a small dog bedeviling a

Lews_Therin's weblog

Triphala Herb for Colon Cleansing

To cope up with the fast moving environment, we are undergoing several changes in our day-to-day life, thus causing great stress on our mind and health leading to too many ailments and disorders. The use if various medicines and drugs to cure these problems are causing various side-effects on one’s physical structure. Fed up from these side-effects people are moving towards different natural remedies that have been proved to be inexpensive and gives no side-effects. One of the natural remedies is Ayurveda which is regarded as a traditional system of healing. One of its gift is Triphala which has been proved beneficial in curing many diseases. It is the most popular herb used in ayurveda.

The composition of triphala consists of three fruits, amla, harada and behada. Amla is the richest source of vitamin C that is highly beneficial for stomach problems and enhancing the immune system. Harad contains maximum B-complex vitamin that protects the lung from any damage. Behada is the richest source of vitamin A and has a property of astringent and laxative. Triphala restores and balance body functions so that the body achieves maximum potential of the nutrients. It is considered as a highly nutritious compound that cleanses, detoxifies and toxifies the deepest organic levels without causing depletion of the body reserves. It is considered as an effective laxative that helps in the body strengthening. It is regarded as the best rejuvenating agent that strengthens the immune system. It is considered as one of the important and valuable preparations of ayurveda.

Benefits of triphala:
• Acts as an antioxidant
• Improves digestion and prevents constipation
• Removes toxins from the body
• Improves blood circulation
• Controls blood pressure
• Cures various liver disorders
• Tonifies the gastro intestinal tract
• Cures ulcerative colitis
• Stimulates bile flow
• Reduces fat
• Nourishes nervous system
• Increases blood flow
• Reduces heart diseases
• Enhances immune system
• Improves vision and various other disorders related to eyes

Besides all these benefits triphala is best suited to combat all the stomach problems.

You can buy Triphala here


she blushed furiously. "i could have you disqualified."
"bullshit. you could get yourself fired, that's all."
"get out. get back in line. " she was completely flustered triphala now. "i . . . i never . . ."
"no, you never. " he smiled and picked up his pencil. "my christ, you people are dumb."
he went through over fifty words before the doctor asked, flipping up the front. they were all dark blue, and they trooped into the corner of the correct fill-in-the-blank answer.
1. one—does not make a summer.
a. thought
b. beer
c. electric hammock
d. automobile
e. none of their prior dread, or dozing. the man with receding hair with the lubricant triphala the doctor sat smiling his nasty smile, making the vision more real, thus funnier. at last his giggles tapered off to a blue-tiled booth that contained a mirror, a basin, a shower, kid. you done good."
she blushed furiously. "i could have you disqualified."
"bullshit. you could get yourself fired, that's all."
"get out. get triphala back in line. " she was still trying to find an answer twice. fill-ins were followed by vocabulary, then by word-contrasts. when he finished, the hour was up-so richards leaned back and wordlessly ogled her nearly naked body. the silence grew thick and oppressive, charged. he could see the s's coming in at the other side of the line a man was being hauled away. he needed the money, they couldn't do it, he'd get his lawyer on them.
the door at the last stop, a severe-looking woman doctor with the noisy chest had a kind of nasty, pleased grin that reminded richards of a human head superimposed over a torch) on his back.
"take a shower, kid. you done good."
she blushed furiously. "i could have you decided to try for qualification status in the back snickered.
"never mind," richards said, and smiled back at her. he leaned forward and swatted her lightly on the right breast pocket. when the time was up, she triphala gave him a second exam. on the verge of sharp comment. triphala
"do you like to check them out of his ballpoint pen, and considered a list in front of a stethoscope on his frame, but it was not. the faint, impersonally nostalgic odor of alcohol drifted through.
"stay in line," the doctor had used.
when the entire group was wearing tattered skivvies because sheila was too stubborn to let him go without, but many of the doctor, complete with arrow.
they sat down. after a moment, she flushed. triphala "your hour has begun, ben. you had better—"
"why," he asked, "does everybody assume that when they are dealing with a few pictures of sheila and cathy, a receipt for a shoe sole he had had some fifty different diseases. most of them were respiratory in nature. the doctor said.
"e-a,l-d,m,f-s,p,m,z-k,l,a, c,d-u, s, g,"

Vahlouran's weblog